Güelcam evribadi / Welcome everybody

Un blog para colgar historias.... short stories... cuentos... como quieran llamarlos... pero sepan q estos no son perfectos y que pueden tener (y lo mas probable es que tengan) errores de ortografia/tiempos verbales/coherencia/cohesion etc

entonces... xq leerlos?

el q quiera publicar... no dude babele1@hotmail.com y le mando como hacer!

se aceptan sugerencias de corrección tambien

(no need to publish in INGLISH)



That morning I was inspired. I'll write the story now, I thought. In the way to the kitchen I turned the computer on, so I could check the mails while I made breakfast. By the time I sat at the computer my inspiration had already left me. Anyway, I had to practise for my English exam so better doing it now. "This, he felt, was a crisis. He had been pursuing his career so long that he had never quite realized that a time might come when the authorities would drop on him." was the bit of a text used for the previous exam, so I had decided to practice with it. I began typing:
"He became a scientist because of his desire to discover cures for illnesses. Even though he had made some minor discoveries, his true objective was cancer, he wanted to be able to cure cancer. This probable was because his mother had suffered it in his youth. Nobody could have guessed that that path he followed would lead him to discover a new virus. The virus was strong, dangerous and easy to control and develop. When he published in one of those scientific magazines about his research on the virus, an agency of the government became very interested on it. When they suggested affording his research in exchange for some practical use of the virus, that is, chemical weapons, he refused. From then on, he started receiving phone calls during the night, mostly threats. Wisely he decided to go on the run with his virus the day before his laboratory was broke into by some "burglars". He knew he had little chance of defeating the government, but he didn't quit his run. If only the virus were not vital for his research on the cure for cancer, he would have destroyed it long time ago. This, he felt, was a crisis. He had been pursuing his career so long that he had never quite realized that a time might come when the authorities would drop on him. He was caught and imprisoned, you can't run from the authorities without going to jail, but the virus was never found. In the end he died a curios death, due to an unknown disease."
I must admit I hate the story, it's really hard to make up a good plot for that piece of text, I said to myself. I should have used a different career or a less abrupt ending. I know that this won't pass the exam, but at least it's practice. I got up from the computer and went to the kitchen to have breakfast. Next time it’ll be better I hoped as I started reading the paper.

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