Güelcam evribadi / Welcome everybody

Un blog para colgar historias.... short stories... cuentos... como quieran llamarlos... pero sepan q estos no son perfectos y que pueden tener (y lo mas probable es que tengan) errores de ortografia/tiempos verbales/coherencia/cohesion etc

entonces... xq leerlos?

el q quiera publicar... no dude babele1@hotmail.com y le mando como hacer!

se aceptan sugerencias de corrección tambien

(no need to publish in INGLISH)


The taste of friendship

There was a knock at the door... The Count went to open it...
It shocked him to discover who was behind the door...
It was Red-Nose... Years had passed since the last time they saw each other, nobody knew why he was there, so far away from his hometown.

Count Dracula had met the clown in high-school... They were best friends... Incompatible, you might think, but no, they weren’t so... both sides of the coin... terror and happiness... both mutually needed to keep with the course of universe...

Red-nose didn’t know how he had ended up in front of his best friend’s castle gates... he felt so confused, lonely, unloved... the happiness had faded away from the clown’s face... he was a dark clown, a dark cold clown with no shine, with no joy... for these
reasons he left home to wander...

Dracula was sad too, the bad press horror stories pushed him away the Transylvanians, he was alone too, alone in his huge castle, but thirsty more than alone... there wasn’t a living soul he could suck the blood out... he was paler than usual, as white as paper... and his friend was what he needed to recover the colours, to recover the blood, to satisfy the thirst which was killing him...

“Come in, please... so much time since the last day”

“Yeah, long long time ago...”

They continued as usual...

“Would you like a drink?”

Dracula was able to see the veins beat in Red-nose’s neck, he imagined himself swimming in a river of blood, drinking ‘till he dried it up...

Thirst didn’t recognise friendship... Red-Nose would be just another victim and it seemed he didn’t realise it yet...
As soon as the clown turned his back, the Count rushed towards him...


The first blood drop went through his fangs... Friendship, they say, is sacrifice for the other...

That was the first and the last time Dracula tasted friendship...


1 comentario:

Charly dijo...

What an amazing story! So original!
